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The College’s approach is much more rounded and personally satisfying for the couple and the celebrant. Unlike the other course, I observed no hint of mass production – rather professional pride in catering for the two individuals and their needs. I found that going to weddings and analysing them was very helpful and thought provoking. Sarah Hepworth Messenger’s articles were good as it reinforced what I had already covered in my study of Module 2. All very helpful and practical tips provided by him. His information pack he sends out to clients is fantastic – covers everything I think I would send to clients. All of this helps me to start thinking in practical terms of when I start my business and practice as a Celebrant. Jane Britnell I received the reading material and assignments for the first module in this course. I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of material included, having been disappointed by previous experiences with some correspondence courses. This one seems to offer real depth and challenges. Mark Brady
Sarah Tolmie I am amazed at Messenger's generosity.... I think Messenger must be a very caring and generous person to enable students to use and adapt his work. He has saved celebrants a lot of work. I am very thankful!! Jane Harvey Working through Item 1 Task 1 has already opened my eyes to many aspects of ceremony that have previously gone unnoticed, and I have concluded that I will learn a great deal from this module alone! Linda Staunton
Now, here's the thing. I had a couple of calls last night to give me support and urge me on etc but I was not in a place that I needed it! I was mildly excited yes, pleasantly nervous yes, but in doubt or confused? Not likely and in speaking with my wife at length afterwards she said it was obvious why. She said, all the information that the college had provided (that I constantly refer to) and the level at which the college conducts their courses, that is why I was ready and "seasoned". Sure it was only theoretical and semi practical but I was there! Amazing stuff and all worth it. My first people came to me only two weeks ago and I had to apply for a shortening of time, now where on earth would I have found the confidence to advise them on what was necessary to get the wedding to happen? The college, for all I put in and all I got out, the college was the right choice to get me where I am; A PRACTISING CELEBRANT! Johnny Mackay
Libby Urbahn, Whangarie New Zealand.
Maggi Stewart I believe I have learnt a considerable amount throughout module one. The main thing that I have learnt is that ceremonies are important in everyday life. Ceremonies are important for simple events to major event and they need to be celebrated. Michell Davies
Bobbie Symons From an ex clergyman: Thank you for your welcome to the college and the information regarding sending in finished work. I thought the course would be a walk in the park with my prior experience working in the church etc,I don't mean this in a proud way , I just thought I was well trained in this field of service ??? If all this wasn't enough I made contact with Jane Day, as to arrange my initial assessment and to arrange further coaching etc as she sees fit? Well, what a mastery of words she had on the phone and an eloquence of years gone by, the books I have read of Jane's are fantastic and encouraging to reach higher ground for those we serve. I understand it's all about meeting your own full potential, but at first I was very overwhelmed with the challenge of the tasks that lay ahead, and the need for growth. I am looking forward to meeting Jane at 10-30 am in the morning , 3/8/2004 and finding out where my strengths and weaknesses lie , as I find it hard to judge my own ability through lack of skill in Jane's field. Paul Whitfield Well, I was similarly excited to get my second module package as I was with my first. But, behold what lies in store for this humble student as she opens the package. What! Two books plus a textbook and a tape? Let’s get cracking. A number of nights are spent reading and reading and reading. Absorption rate is rapidly depleting. Must read them all again. Oh! I forgot to mention that I listened to the tape first. I just love the sound of Jane’s Voice. Suzy Fleming
Clergyman on Module 2: 4/2/5: I reflect back on my notes prior to starting Module 2, and compare what I had written, then, as expectations, to what I have gained now. I found the course well presented and laid out in such a way, that one could not BUT succeed. I did have difficulties in finding Celebrants, who were willing to assist me in my studies, and also a suitable Voice Examiner for Assessment, however, I did find an examiner of high calibre, well experienced in bringing out the best in one. Being so far away from major towns was a problem, but not an insurmountable one. The Internet and Library opened, for me, a whole plethora of books and information on speech presentation, so much so, that I felt somewhat overwhelmed. The Module 2 course seems to have taken the best, and put it in to such an easy to understand, and follow process, that any fears I had were annulled. Mrs Jane Day writes very well and gets one "involved". To follow her instructions and exercises really becomes a self-revelation of just what capacities one has inside. I had, prior to, exception with reading poetry, now. after the course, I actually enjoy poetry and poetic prose. Wonders never cease! I found that the main benefit for me; the bonus, the prize at the end, was the self-assurance I gained, and self-confidence I developed. I enjoy giving my sermons now, knowing that I have the bulk of the audience actually listening!! I was worried about the assessment, as, on the day, I was "stuffed" up with the flu, and my nasal passages were blocked. Mrs. Mac Isaac asked if I would like to cancel. But we both agreed. that what if this was a real] wedding' Cancel because the Celebrant has a cold?? Definitely not! I found suitable medicines at the: chemist to get through the ceremony so this was a GREAT experience. In conclusion. I would like to say that my original. expectations were not only met but were exceeded. J did not find anything disappointing in the program, but rather found that I want to to continue with further studies for Diploma / Diplomas. The Module 2 course was everything I expected, and I would not hesitate to recommend it to others. I thank the College and Mrs Day for her books. and look forward to further studies. Reverend Misha Zigas. The best learning experiences for me throughout these modules have been the various ceremonies that I have attended and reported on. These gave me the opportunity to observe different personalities and styles in action, as well as giving me some good ideas on different things that can be included in ceremonies, such as alternative methods of acknowledging and including step-children, and variations of traditional ceremonial actions, like the processional. Mark Brady
Kim Kirkley
Had I not undertaken this form of training I am sure once I had commenced working as a funeral celebrant that I would have been intimidated by the wealth of knowledge and support that College-trained celebrants would have held over me. As it is, I am feeling confident that I have a good grounding and understanding of the important elements that need attention. The other huge bonus for College-based celebrants is the amount of generous support provided by the College, past and present student and through the College Association. I’ve no doubt that a suitable answer could be quickly found to just about any unusual request or situation and I feel very proud to be able to count myself amongst the people who have chosen to train through the College. Cathryn Walker The college trains it's students well, and prepares us for dealing with red - tape! I hope to make the college and especially yourself proud of me in all way. Ariel Brown Module 1: I will be honest, I have had a lot of criticism from some of my colleagues about doing this module, mainly because they are saying it is not needed, its not recognized by national accreditation. What people haven’t been able to grasp through it all, is that I started this module for me. I feel there is incredible responsibility and accountability in being a celebrant. We are able to make or break an event, and I personally would rather make every occasion, for every person, I have the privilege to work for. Stephanie Hymer
Toni Richards A minister came to me after the ceremony (which was my first chapel and graveside ceremony, and I had not witnessed one before) anyway this minister asked where I had trained and had I delivered many ceremonies, I was honest and told him only a very few and this my first graveside, and he said I must have excellent training as everything fell into place, the way I had my PA and lectern set up at the gravesite to make the transition from chapel to grave flow. The sound system was the best he had heard and ............ now this is a boost for this girl. He said I had a gift to perform ceremonies - clear meaningful words, that included the guests, made them feel apart of the ceremony, and not just listening to someone talk......... I won't get carried away ... .... but still nice to have a little praise .... I thank my lucky stars I decided to study with the International College of Celebrancy, and my wonderful mentor, Chris Watson. Jane Gray
Lorraine Lehman-Jones
John Dean Nadine Eagleson. next |