Funeral Banner


No obligation enquiries -
Christine - website - +61 417 377 871

Victoria Spence DipFC- +61 431 123 129
Sarah Tolmie DipFC- +61 418 640 901
Nicole Celeban - website- +61 427 393 699
Nick Sivertsen - +61 447 684 657
Pamela Noal - +61 0447 778 870

Murray Valley -NSW/Vic
Christine Capewell - website - +61 417 377 871

Robert Moore - +61 413 098 030

Moira Rayner - website - +61 407 613 777
Genevieve Messenger- +61 407 013 014
Lynnette Olsen- website +61 417 372 520
Dr Chris Watson - website - 03 9499 4977
Yvonne Werner - website -1300 446 786
Lisa Foster
- +61 400 159 639


Funeral Celebrants (Hourly Rate)
(Trained, experienced, capable, and skilled)

Committed to quality preparation of the funeral ceremony, creative dialogue regarding every detail, and careful checking before delivery.

Funeral HearseWelcome to this website page, which is designed to offer a funeral ceremony, a permanent record of the person's life, based on the following principles:

We believe that:

Legal position: Lawyer Moira Rayner in pdf

(No obligation Information and feedback - Christine - +61 417 377 871 - -)